LeaderShift Church Planting Project
The LeaderShift Church Planting Project is an initiative of Pacific Mountain Region of the United Church. Our mandate is to empower planters to plant (or start) diverse Church Plants. In addition to funding plants/ starts, we seek to resource United Church planters/ starters and planter/ starter teams with mentors, training, cohorts and other resources for their unique ministries. As our plants ‘take root’, expect to hear the stories of these new Communities of Faith.
What is Church Planting
Church Planting is a broad term that refers to starting new communities of faith for the benefit of those who are not yet part of the Church. These may start in various forms, and usually have the capacity to develop into ‘mature’ expressions of ‘word, sacrament and pastoral care’ – though that might look very different then many existing congregations or pastoral charges. We deliberately engage this metaphor of gardening and tilling as a way to express the organic and ecological nature of starting new communities of faith.
Rob Shearer is the Regional Minister for LeaderSHIFT Church Planting Project (LLCP). He can be reached by email or phone +1-778-977-7562.
Rob is a founding member and a leader of the Emmaus Community; a new monastic community in Victoria, BC, and the related ministries of The AbbeyChurch and Abbey Beverage/Brewing Collective, all of which are shared ministries of the United and Anglican Churches. He has worked in church planting, congregational and youth ministry, international justice, street ministry and intentional communities in the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, Christian Reformed and Baptist traditions, as well as having lived in a Catholic Worker community for 5 years. Rob is co-parent to Amaya and Zion. He loves hiking, camping, making music & brewing Trappist-style beers!