The Lentiest Lent

Do you remember Lent 2020, at the beginning of the COVID pandemic shutdown? We joked that it was "the Lentiest Lent ever". We had no idea of just how much more Lenty Lent could get...

Maybe you're feeling like me: overwhelmed, anxious (okay downright terrified), paralyzed, powerless, wondering where to find hope.

If you are, then maybe Lent really is the right season for us right now, after all.

I preached on the Transfiguration last Sunday, and I noticed for the first time, that the transfiguration of Jesus itself, is actually not the climax of the story! The climax, as far as I can tell, when Elijah and Moses leave, and the cloud descends, and the disciples are terrified. 

Then, the Voice says, "This is my Beloved, my Chosen. Listen to him!"

God's voice and power, promise and presence, are made known not only in the brilliance, in the glowing, in the radiance. But also, just as crucially, in the middle of the cloud, in the moment of terror and confusion.

We know we are in for a rough ride, politically, economically, ecologically. The clouds are looming over us, and the rest of creation.

And, it turns out, that is exactly where God speaks to us, to reassure us, and to call us, to listen to Jesus.

Yesterday I woke up anxious, scrolled the news feed, raced to the office, and immediately had a chocolate emergency. I hustled to my local indie coffee shop down the street before my first Zoom meeting, stepping in dog poop on the way, and blurted out ALL of that to the barista behind the counter.

They took a deep breath, looked so kindly at me, and said, "You know, all of that (waving hands around), is not in your control, right? What is in your control? Your family, your friends, your neighbourhood, your community, your actions." Then they went on to invite me to a training they were holding the next day on civil disobedience. 

This beautiful person really was the voice of God for me yesterday, when I was spiralling, and I left not only with my London Fog and pain au chocolat, but with a renewed sense of hope, community and trust that I was not alone in all of this. 

I pray that this Lent, God will make themself known to you too, in large and small ways. I pray that you will be opened to the presence of God, in the moments of brilliance, and in the cloud of tumult, anxiety, and distress. And, I pray that we may be channels of God's voice and presence to one another, when we are feeling overwhelmed.

Knowing you may be embarking on book studies, discussion groups, special liturgy, and more for this Lenten season, you are in my prayers – for strength, sustenance, and deep peace, on the road to Jerusalem.

Deep blessings in this hard, holy, life-giving season ahead, 


Transforming Community

Last week, I spent four days near Caroline, Alberta, at a retreat with ministry personnel from Chinook Winds Region. Our beautiful altar (picture above) took shape and grew as the week went by, including stones, water, and an ever increasing number of plants! It was moving how life continued to emerge over our time together.

The setting was truly beautiful, the food was delicious, and the hospitality was generous. The learning was useful too, focusing on the impact of clergy burnout, and encouraging practices for flourishing in ministry, and in life.

But what filled my heart the most, were two practices.

The first was the practice of singing. We sang a lot together:  old favourite hymns, new Christian songs that gave fresh voice to the old story,  and classical pop songs that resonated with the themes of our times together. One evening, we sang to each person, the hymn or song that most expressed the essence of their call to ministry, with much laughter and some tears. Singing together, I was reminded again of the many physical, spiritual, social, emotional and psychological benefits that singing in a group brings.

The second practice was the practice of play.  During our time together, there was walking and snowshoeing, and lively conversation. One evening, there was a competitive billiards tournament, a group game involving recognizing popular music (I think!), people chatting over a puzzle, and some spirited karaoke. To hear the sounds of laughter, to see new friendships being formed and old ones being strengthened, was so beautiful.

I suspect both these practices are among the things people miss when they say they miss presbytery. Certainly, the church restructure, with the COVID epidemic hot on its heels, have increased a sense of loneliness and isolation in ministry personnel.

And yet we know - we know - that relationship is what gives us life: relationship with God in Jesus Christ, with the earth, with one another, and with our deepest selves, is not optional, but vital to flourishing in ministry, and in life.

After all, we are made in God's image, the God we know and experience as One and also Three. We are created in the image of a God who is Godself, relationship, and so we should not be surprised that it is in healthy relationships that human beings flourish. 

I don't know about you. But I have been spiraling in anxiety about the state of, well, everything: the seeming collapse of American democracy, an impending trade war and its effects on the economy, the Canadian dollar, federal politics, the state of the church, and a few personal worries as well. 

A low level of anxiety is usually my native habitat, but for the past few weeks I've found myself catastrophizing. I know others have felt boiling rage, while others find themselves bursting into tears.
What calmed my anxious stewing, and turned me toward hope again, was being in community, with other followers of Jesus, and leaders of his church. I left feeling heartened, hopeful,  and encouraged (and yes, also with a flu virus!) about the future of our church, our regions, our country and even our world.

Wherever you are on the anxiety to catastrophizing scale, I hope you'll be intentional about looking for opportunities for community with those who share the journey!

Advent Longing...

I just wrote a whole long reflection on Advent waiting and longing... and then deleted it... 'cause who has time to read that, on the cusp of Advent??

(TL;DR: Jesus is coming, no matter how prepared we are, or not. No matter how perfect our worship, our advent wreath candle lighting liturgies, or our advent studies. Jesus is coming, which is good news, because we always need Jesus, and now more than ever. So let's embrace the longing, the waiting, the anticipation, trusting in the One for whom we wait. Amen!)

I do want to give you the heads-up on some upcoming events, so read on..

Advent Longing: a Free Advent Small Group Study, for Pacific Mountain and Chinook Winds Regional Councils

As a gift for you in your leadership during this season, LeaderShift has purchased a regional license for The Prayer Bench's Advent Small Group Study. This 3 session study invites us to nurture longing as a powerful spiritual gift through an imaginative pilgrimage in an old-growth forest. It encourages us to notice longing in our ordinary days, recognize its gifts during times of desolation and reclamation, and welcome “thin spaces”—those moments of connection, support, and hope. In the context of a planetary crisis, we explore how to activate Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in the world God loves. To receive the link to the free resource, email me here:

Chinook Winds Region Ministry Personnel Retreat - hosted by LeaderShift and Chinook Winds Regional Council

Escape the winter chill and join your colleagues for a rejuvenating experience that will reconnect you with God, your calling, the earth, and your truest self. Come and be refreshed and empowered, and leave with a personalized plan for your own flourishing and well-being in ministry. Register here: 
Chinook Winds Ministry Personnel Retreat 2025 | Event Registration | Chinook Winds & Pacific Mountain Regions UCCan Store

A Weekend Retreat for Boards/Councils & Their Ministry Personnel - April 4-6, 2025, in Kelowna BC

Join Pacific Mountain Regional Ministers for workshops on recruitment, emerging models of congregational governance, best practices, Manual roles and responsibilities and more. Come gain some knowledge and skills, build relationships with other lay leaders, and reconnect to why you care about and give your time, energy and commitment to your community of faith! More information here: Spring Weekend Retreat for Church Boards, Councils and Their Ministry Personnel — LeaderSHIFT UCCan

Blessings in the waiting!
