A Day-Long Retreat for Boards/Councils & Their Ministry Personnel

Come and be encouraged, empowered and equipped for your lay leadership, in your community of faith!


Saturday, November 16, 2024

6000 Sussex Avenue, Burnaby BC

In-Person Only

Join Pacific Mountain Regional Ministers for workshops on recruitment, emerging models of congregational governance, best practices, Manual roles and responsibilities and more. Come gain some knowledge and skills, build relationships with other lay leaders, and reconnect to why you care about and give your time, energy and commitment to your community of faith!

Day-Long Retreat Overview

9:00 - 10:00am: Worship & Reflection

10:00am - 12:30pm: Morning Workshops A, B, or C (choose 1):

  • using census and environics data for strategic planning, with Kathy Davies

  • chair, treasurer and secretary - Roles and responsibilities, with Shauna Getz

  • Ministry planning / Strategic Planning, with Victoria Andrews

12:30 - 2:00pm: Lunch (provided) and Break

2:00 - 4:15pm: Afternoon Workshops D, E, or F (choose 1):

  • with Kathy Davies 

  • (succession planning), with Shauna Getz 

  • including responsibilities of a governing body / region and wider church, Legal responsibilities, with Victoria Andrews

4:15 - 5:00pm: Closing Gathering

This Day-Long Retreat Is About

  • Being together in person, a time for lay leaders who are missing presbytery and that experience of community

  • Creating and rebuilding relationships with other lay leaders in your community of faith and near-by areas

  • Great worship and singing

  • Being reminded of why we offer our gifts to the church as a form of discipleship, of why we love our communities of faith and want to see them flourish

Workshop Leadership

Kathy Davies

Regional Minister, Pastoral Relations & Community of Faith Support (Pacific Mountain Regional Council)

  • Leading workshops A. Who is in your neighborhood, and D. Decision Making Practices

Shauna Getz

Regional Minister, Pastoral Relations & Community of Faith Support (Pacific Mountain Regional Council)

  • Leading workshops B. Board roles, and E. Recruitment to the board, orientation to the board

Rev. Victoria Andrews

Regional Minister, Pastoral Relations & Community of Faith Support (Pacific Mountain Regional Council)

  • Leading workshops C. Purpose driven boards, and F. Types of boards and alternative structures

Investment & Hospitality

Online Registration

  • This is a free offering. Advance registration is required

Registration Closes Friday November 8, 2024.


  • Saturday Lunch and refreshments are included.

Promotional Materials

Save and share our promo images to your community and networks!

Letter-sized / 8.5 x 11” Flyer (Photo / PNG)

Click here for the PDF format with live links: LS Board Council Retreat 2024 PDF

Save and Share in a Newsletter, Calendar, Social Media post with this link: https://leadershiftuccan.org/board-council-mp-day-retreat


In Partnership

with Pacific Mountain Regional Council’s Regional Ministers for Pastoral Relations & Community of Faith Support

A Day-Long Retreat for Boards/Councils & Their Ministry Personnel

Saturday, November 16, 2024. 6000 Sussex Avenue, Burnaby BC. Click to Register. Please see our Contact page to email or call Registration Support, and to reach the LeaderSHIFT team.

Interested in encouraging a colleague to attend this event?

We’d LOVE that. Text or email them this page!