Kootenay Faith Fest 2020
Thanks to all who planned and participated in KFF2020! Remember that if you were a registered participant, you can log into your Whova account and access all the recordings, information and conversations till September 2021.
Brought to you by the letters ‘K’ and ‘F’ and the number 2020
Kootenay Faith Fest 2020 is organized by a team of volunteers from a number of United Churches in the Kootenay area, with the support and enthusiasm of PMRC Regional Minsiter Kathy Davies, Allan Buckingham covering Online Logistics, Pamela and Mary and the First Third Ministry Team, in partnership with LeaderShift … and YOU! KFF2020 is for all United Church folks who are excited to connect, beyond COVID-19 and geographical limitations.
and welcoming Keynote Dave Csinos
Joining us online from a totally different time zone, Dave is thrilled to be connecting again with UCC folks in BC. Dave has provided inspiration and insight to United Church leaders who seek to deepen their relationship with multigenerational ministry and ministry with children and youth. At KFF202 Dave will be offering three keynote topics, speaking specifically to the gift of relationship that small communities can foster - in church and beyond. His work is about the foundation and formation of faith in individuals, and communities.