Kootenay Faith Fest 2020
Pssst! Registration is Open! Scroll down for the Online Form!
Online Virtual Event hall: Whova
Starting September 23rd, and for the duration of Kootenay Faith Fest 2020, you’ll attend KFF2020 online by using Whova to participate. Think of Whova as a virtual event hall!
What the heck is Whova? And how do I get it?
If you are joining the Fest from your desktop computer, you will use this website: Whova for Desktop https://whova.com/portal/webapp/faith_202010/
If you are joining from you smart phone or ipad (or other device), you will download and use: Whova App for Devices: https://whova.com/portal/faith_202010/?source=download_page
And - you can switch between your desktop and device. You can use either one at any time.
Just like using a map to figure out a physical event location and amenities, we encourage you to make a bit of time to get to know Whova on your device and desktop computer, before KFF2020 goes live. Whova has a cheery orientation YouTube tutorial here, and more information on how Whova works so well is here.
Streaming to you from Knox United in Fernie BC, Kootenay Faith Fest: Small & Mighty is four days of laughter, Learning, Connection and Worship with other United Church folk who call a small community and a small church home.
Discount Codes
When registering below, add the discount code you need. Discount codes are private and easy to use right here, right now. Copy and paste the bold text into the ticket field. The 25% discount code is: KFF25off The 50% discount code is: KFF50off The 100% discount code is: KFF100off
Registration FEE $29!
If you’ve ever put on a church event or fundraiser, you know there are costs - food and beverages, speaker and presenter fees, program materials, insurance, rental fees, travel expenses and more. We might think an online event doesn’t have the same kind of expenses, but they sure do! Even though Kootenay Faith Fest 2020 doesn’t require travel, accommodation, or traditional hospitality costs, it does require important resources - a quality online platform to host our participants, our excellent keynote speaker, volunteer support, and promotional and program materials. With this in mind, the KFF2020 planning team is excited to set $29 as our event fee, and to offer a series of discount codes so that there are no barriers to anyone’s participation. If you’re in the position to pay the full $29 registration fee, please do!
Registration Confirmation
You’ll know your registration was received when you get an automatic confirmation email; check your Other or Junk folder if it’s not in your main Inbox. For Registration questions, please contact Brenda Wolff, Registrar, at by email: bwolff@united-church.ca
Pre-Event Information: Right here!
Now ‘till September 23rd this is the place for Kootenay Faith Fest 2020 information. Remember when you’d see an event poster in your church hall, packed with info about an upcoming conference? Think of this web page as KFF2020’s event brochure! Links to register, preliminary schedules, Whova tutorials, and to meet presenters and their workshops will be updated frequently over the next month — so bookmark it and check back often!
This is the preliminary agenda - once you’re registered you can see the updated agenda on the KFF2020 Whova website or app.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
9:00am-10:30am PACIFIC/ 10-00am-11:30am MOUNTAIN
Small and Mighty: The (Untapped) Potential of Smaller Churches
Speaker: Dave Csinos
Bigger isn't always better. Join in as Dave Csinos guides us through a journey of rediscovery by unpacking assumptions about spiritual formation and exploring the benefits of being a small church. We'll be challenged to find the potential in even the smallest of our congregations, and outline several ways that not-so-big churches like us can play to our natural strengths in the spiritual formation of our community.This is a pre-recorded session that acts as an introduction to the live sessions Friday and Saturday. You're encouraged to watch this one before attending the others.
10:00am-12noon PACIFIC/ 11:00am-1:00pm MOUNTAIN
Intro To Wild Church
Speaker: Minnie Hornidge2:00pm-5:00pm PACIFIC/ 3:00pm-6:00pm MOUNTAIN
Drop In Orientation to Whova
Speaker: Allan Buckingham
Live meeting, link here: Drop In Orientation to Whova
Thursday, September 24, 2020
5:30pm-8:00pm PACIFIC/ 6:30pm-9pm MOUNTAIN
Opening Session!
Speakers: Kathy Davies, Dave Csinos Join us for our opening session to learn more about what's coming. We'll have a few welcomes and addresses, sing our theme hymn, and hear briefly from keynote Speaker Dr. Dave Csinos from the Atlantic School of Theology. We'll also spend some time getting to know each other in small groups as we connect with our friends and neighbours.
Friday, September 25, 2020
9:00am-11:00am PACIFIC/ 10:00am-12noon MOUNTAIN
Re-Imagining Faith Formation
Speaker: Dave Csinos
Building on the “Small and Mighty” presentation, Dave shares about his journey of learning and unlearning assumptions about what faith formation is and how it should be done. Rather than giving “how-to” solutions, he'll help us explore how to re-imagine faith formation in ways that nurture people of all ages on the journey of following Jesus.Q&A / Virtual breakout groups to follow
1:00pm-3:00pm PACIFIC/ 2:00pm-4:00pm MOUNTAIN
Ecumenical Shared Ministry Panel and Discussion
Speaker: Bishop Lynne McNaughton, Kootenay Diocese7:00pm-9pm PACIFIC/ 8:00pm-10:00pm MOUNTAIN
Virtual Games Room and Pub Night
BYOB and join in with others for some evening activities and games. Different opportunities will be available to join. Play along, or just sit around and chat.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
9:00-11:00am PACIFIC/ 10:00am-12noon MOUNTAIN
More Radical than We Realize Speaker: Dave Csinos
“Intergenerational” has become a hot topic for leaders involved in faith formation. But what does it really mean to foster relationships among people of various ages? What do we gain? What do we lose? Join us as Dave discusses just how counter-cultural it is to engage in intergenerational ministry and the power it holds to manifest God’s kingdom on earth.Q&A / Virtual breakout groups to follow
1:00pm-2:30pm PACIFIC/ 2:00pm-3:30pm MOUNTAIN
Youth & Family MinistrySpeaker: Mary Nichol Coordinator of Education for Children's & Family Ministries PMRC. 7:00pm–9:00pm PACIFIC/ 8:00pm-10:00pm MOUNTAIN
Children, Youth & Family Ministry Virtual Games Room
Pub Night
BYOB and join in with others for some evening activities and games. Different opportunities will be available to join. Play along, or just sit around and chat.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
10:00am-11:30am PACIFIC/ 11:00am-12:30pm MOUNTAIN
Kootenay Faith Fest Worship & Covenanting Service
Join worshipers from across the Kootenays and beyond for a meaningful and engaging service of worship. This worship will have shared leadership from around the Kootenays:
Music from Carolyn Rogers and Greg Constable from WVSM
Preaching by our Keynote Dave Csnios
Communion presided at by Rev Andrea Brennon from the Shared Ministry in Fernie
Prayers and leadership from throughout the area.
This worship service will also be a time of covenanting with the new ministers who have come to the Kootenays:
Rev Joshua Kang with St John’s Boundary Pastoral Charge,
Rev Robin Murray with Castlegar-Kinnaird United Church,
Rev Sue Breisch with Communities in Faith Pastoral Charge, and
Rev Brent Woodard with Windermere Valley Shared Ministry.
The link to September 27th, 2020 Sunday Worship & Covenanting Service Live Streaming is below. It’s a public link, open to all (not limited to KFF 2020 participants). Amen!
Brought to you by the letters ‘K’ and ‘F’ and the number 2020
Kootenay Faith Fest 2020 is organized by a team of volunteers from a number of United Churches in the Kootenay area, with the support and enthusiasm of PMRC Regional Minsiter Kathy Davies, Allan Buckingham covering Online Logistics, Pamela and Mary and the First Third Ministry Team, in partnership with LeaderShift … and YOU! KFF2020 is for all United Church folks who are excited to connect, beyond COVID-19 and geographical limitations.
and welcoming Keynote Dave Csinos
Joining us online from a totally different time zone, Dave is thrilled to be connecting again with UCC folks in BC. Dave has provided inspiration and insight to United Church leaders who seek to deepen their relationship with multigenerational ministry and ministry with children and youth. At KFF202 Dave will be offering three keynote topics, speaking specifically to the gift of relationship that small communities can foster - in church and beyond. His work is about the foundation and formation of faith in individuals, and communities.