Living Generously: A Stewardship Webinar Series
four sessions over four seasons, supporting communities of faith be inspired, comfortable and equipped when talking money
A LEADERSHIFT OFFERING WITH Vicki Nelson, National United Church Staff for Community of Faith Stewardship Support
2024 Course Dates & Times
OnlINE Only, Via Zoom
1-2pm Pacific / 2-3pm Mountain
January 23: Session One
April 30: Session Two - Register Here
September 24: Session Three - Register Here
November 12: Session Four - Register Here
This free webinar series is supported by LeaderSHIFT, The United Church of Canada, Pacific Mountain Regional Council, Chinook Winds Regional Council.
Living Generously: A Stewardship Webinar Series is for church leaders - clergy and lay - --to encourage, support and invite deeper involvement and generosity.
Session 3: Who Do They Say You Are?
Tuesday September 24, 2024
1-2pm Pacific / 2-3pm Mountain. Free. Online Only Via Zoom.
11x17 Poster (PNG)
As leaders, with passion and deep involvement in our communities of faith, we often think we are putting out clear and welcoming messaging about our theology and culture. But we have found that too often our neighbours do not know us at all. During this 60 minute panel discussion, we will hear from church leaders who have found success engaging with their neighbours and neighbourhoods. Join us to get inspired and learn practical tips.
Session Four: Advent of Generosity ~ Inviting giving and participation during Advent and Christmas
Tuesday November 12, 2024
1-2pm Pacific / 2-3pm Mountain. Free. Online Only Via Zoom.
11x17 Poster (PNG)
This 60-minute session for church leaders--both clergy and lay--will talk about different ways that we can bring conversations of stewardship into Advent, Christmas Eve, and beyond. Through hospitality, welcome and invitation, let’s help make this Advent the beginning of a church year full of deeper generosity.
Past Sessions
Communicating Impact: Narrative Budgets & Storytelling at Your AGM
(January 2024)
This 60-minute session for is for church leaders, both clergy and lay. The timing of this offering is intended to support communities of faith in Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain regions, as you start to prepare your annual reports for your annual general meeting! Vicki and Michelle will talk with you about how communities of faith can better communicate your amazing impact, during your congregational meetings and reports. Specifically, this session’s special look at narrative budgets aims to show how this tool may enhance your community’s engagement and understanding of your board’s financial vision and choices. Most excitingly, Vicki will share how she has seen the use of narrative budgets transforming how ministry is spoken about, in connection to finances.
From Fear to Faith ~ How to Talk About Money in Church
(April 2024)
11x17 Poster (PNG)
This 60 minute session is for church leaders—both clergy and lay—to unpack some of the fears we have around talking about money and giving in church. Let's chat how we can move from scarcity, secrecy, obligation, and transaction towards abundance, transparency, joy and transformation. We will cover the practical and theological rationale for straightforward conversations about individual giving and how the church receives and uses money.
The Webinar Series
A Series Tailored to Your Setting
Facilitator: Vicki Nelson
Vicki Nelson (she/her),
Community of Faith Stewardship Support
Pacific Mountain Region
Chinook Winds Region
Living Skies Region
Prairie to Pine Region
Northern Spirit Region
The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada
Phone : 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2045
To book a conversation with Vicki, please use this link and select Book Vicki Nelson for a 30 minute Stewardship conversation.
Promotional Materials
You are invited to download and circulate the following promotional images within your community and networks!
All Session Promotion
1080x1080 Square / Social Post (PNG)
1200x630 Power Point / Social Post (PNG)
Session Three – Who Do They Say You Are?
8.5x11 Flyer (PNG)
1200x630 Power Point / Social Post (PNG)
Session Four - Advent of Generosity: Inviting giving and participation during Advent and Christmas
8.5x11 Flyer (PNG)
1200x630 Power Point / Social Post (PNG)
Living Generously: A Stewardship Webinar Series
Four Tuesdays - Jan 23, April 30, Sep 24, Nov 12 in 2024. Online Only Via Zoom. Click to Register. Please see our Contact page to email or call Registration Support, and to reach the LeaderSHIFT team.
Interested in encouraging a colleague to attend this event?
We’d LOVE that. Text or email them this page!