Total Clergy Wellbeing
A five day retreat for Ministry Personnel in the beauty of Naramata’s October.
October 24 – 28, 2022, Naramata BC
Love what is thriving, tend to what is weary, and define ways to support both.
Enjoy five days away in the beauty of Naramata's October to focus on renewal, sustenance, comfort, discovery and fun! The Total Clergy Wellbeing retreat is a special offering for up to 20 ministry personnel from Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain regions to tend to what is weary within, love what is thriving, and define ways to support both. The goal is for you to leave the retreat rested, grounded, and with heart-open to your ministry leadership!
Reconnect to WHoleness of being
Caring for all aspects of health is one of the most responsible things each of us can do for our ministry, families, congregations, and, of course, ourselves. Total Clergy Wellbeing 2022 is five days dedicated to centering your spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health. Part of the experience is bringing along a person who can be your accountability partner during the retreat. A friend, colleague, life partner - you choose who you will bring.
time to Rest and time for focus
The world is rapidly changing and so is the church. We’ve lived through a year of world-wide strife, and some of us feel like we can no longer find our true north. As our ministry communities struggle with the question of what post-pandemic church looks like, you, as their faith leader face incredible stresses. During these demanding times, your self-care as a minister can fall to the wayside, and your resilience is thin. You lean on those close to you, but they may be ill equipped to understand and support you effectively. This 2022 Total Clergy Wellbeing program has been customized to address the unique situation of United Church clergy, and to recognize and include the role of a key supporting partner in your life.
Take this step, and apply to participate in this unique program! There is truly nothing more important right now. Please join us.
Total Clergy Wellbeing 2022 is a LeaderSHIFT program with guest facilitators from the exceptional, Michigan-based, Christian leadership organization LeaderWise.
LeaderSHIFT has offered this retreat before! When the regional council's now-Executive Minister Treena Duncan experienced first hand the benefits of a similar offering in the US, Total Clergy Wellbeing was developed and offered 2016-2018 for United Church clergy in BC. Now in 2022, and for the past two years, LeaderSHIFT's Director, Allison Rennie has been working closely with Mary Kay DeChene to create a Total Clergy Wellbeing Experience that is relevant to the current, unique experiences of our United Church clergy ministering before, in and through the pandemic.
Total Clergy Wellbeing aims to set you up for long-term ministry success while giving you back the simple pleasures in life. We are thrilled to finally be able to offer Total Clergy Wellbeing!
Contact Allison, or complete the Expression of Interest Form below as your next step in wellness and care-taking of you.
Total Clergy Wellbeing retreat is held in beautiful Naramata BC, Okanagan Syilx territory. The course fee and experience includes all meals and refreshments catered by the Naramata Inn, Private or Shared Orchard Court or East Courts accommodation at Naramata Centre, a Travel Pool for those traveling greater distances, and all Course, Activity and Adventure costs when offered as part of the retreat program.
The Retreat Logistics
October 24 – 28, 2022
In-Person Only in Naramata BC
Space is limited to 20 Ministry Personnel, and their Accountability Partners
$2600 Includes, for You and* your Accompaniment Partner: all meals and refreshments catered by the Naramata Inn for two, Private or Shared Orchard Court or East Courts accommodation at Naramata Centre for two, a Travel Pool** for those traveling greater distances, and all Course, Activity and Adventure costs for two when offered as part of the retreat program.
*This costs covers both you and your accountability partner, together; it is not per person.
**Travel expenses are not covered in the $2600 fee. Travel expenses are the responsibility of you and your accountability partner. A Travel Pool and its guidelines are emerging. Stay tuned!
YES. This is exactly what I need — How do I register?
There are three steps for registration in Total Clergy Wellbeing. If, at any point, you have questions about the registration process or the retreat, please email Allison Rennie, LeaderSHIFT Director:
Step 1 - Complete this Expression of Interest Form
Step 2 - Confirm Placement
After submitting your Expression of Interest Form, you will receive a personal reply from Allison Rennie, LeaderSHIFT Director. They will confirm your placement, offer information about how to invite your accountability partner and how to complete payment for your spot, and they will give you the form for Step 3 below.
Step 3 - Complete the Personal Wellbeing Information Gathering Form
This form is confidential. The details provided by you, and other participants, through the Personal Wellbeing Information Gathering forms help the Retreat Facilitators to design an excellent experience tailored to the gathered community.
LeaderSHIFT helps leaders survive and thrive in the shifting church. Our dedicated team of professional communicators and leadership trainers produce events and online resources to support the unique situation of leading in God’s transformational work.
Total Clergy Wellbeing Facilitators
Deep dive program components are offered by facilitators: Mary Kay DuChene, leadership coach and consultant; resiliency-conflict expert, Susan Nienaber; and psychologist-pastor Mark Sundby.
Mary Kay DuChene, MA
Mary Kay is a leadership coach and consultant, facilitator, teacher, and strategist with over 30 years of experience in management, leadership development, marketing, and business management and development. She is also a deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). With a particular passion and expertise in adaptive leadership, Mary Kay is committed to accompanying pastors and faith communities to understand what it means to be a community of faith and to understand how to live that out in the world. Mary Kay is passionate about helping leaders live and lead from a place of high emotional intelligence and resilience. Outside of work, Mary Kay loves to spend time with her husband, adult children, granddaughter, and golden retriever; read; and commune with nature at the family retreat near the North Shore of Lake Superior (almost bordering Canada!).
Susan Nienaber, MDiv
With a background as counselor and therapist, Susan combines compassion with independence when working with congregations on issues of conflict, dialogue, crisis, personnel, professional misconduct, leadership, and interpersonal dynamics. For two decades, Susan has served as consultant and mediator in congregations and denominations. She worked for a number of years as a family therapist as well. She is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church (UMC) and is a district superintendent in the Minnesota Conference.
Mark Sundby, MDiv, PhD, LP
Mark has served as a consultant, teacher, and counselor in the field of psychology for over 20 years. For the past 19 years, as executive director of LeaderWise, he has specialized in personality and leadership assessment, with an emphasis on health and wholeness, leadership development, and conflict skills training. Mark and his wife have been married more than 30 years and have two adult sons. For fun, Mark spends time with family and friends, cooks, reads mystery novels, cross country skis, and bicycles.