Tech, Tools and Testimony
Workshop Series for Church Leaders
Why This Workshop Series
There are as many different questions about moving into a hybrid model as there are communities of faith! Over the past few months as faith leaders look to the medium-term future, LeaderShift team members have heard some common wonderings come up time and time again. We want to give people with like-curiosity a chance to come together, learn from an expert in that area, and listen/brainstorm with one another.
Post-Workshop Resources
We’ve decided to keep using Zoom. How can we do this most effectively?
Tech Tools and Testimony: "We've Decided to Keep Using Zoom. How Can We Do This Most Effectively? This is a shortened summary (30 minutes) of the key points that were covered in the LeaderShift Tech Tools and Testimony workshop titled "We've Decided to Keep Using Zoom. How Can We Do This Most Effectively?".(29.10 minutes)
Tech Tools and Testimony Looks at Oak Bay United Church's Equipment Set Up This quick, informal video showing you around the tech setup specifically at Oak Bay United Church, for the Tech Tools and Testimony workshop titled: "We've Decided to Keep Using Zoom. How Can We Do This Most Effectively?" (7.38 minutes)
This workshop was held Friday August 20, 1:30-3pm PT / 2:30-4pm MT and Thursday July 15, 10-11:30AM PT / 11am-12:30pm MT There are plenty of reasons communities are deciding to stick with what has worked during this past year. While the popular vote is to switch to a growth-oriented platform, Zoom can still be an effective way of hybrid worshiping and offering hybrid programing. Join us to talk about some best practices in the face of common challenges (audio & music, streaming Zoom calls to YouTube, and integrating a live community with the Zoom screen). Facilitators: Amy and Casey Van Wensem
How Can I offer a Hybrid model with poor/no internet?
Tech Tools and Testimony: "How Can I Offer a Hybrid Model with Poor or No Internet?" This is a 60 minute recording of the workshop "How Can I Offer a Hybrid Model with Poor or No Internet?" offered by LeaderShift on August 19. Gratitude to workshop leader, Randy Boyd (Rural Connect) for his skill, knowledge and faithfulness!
This workshop was held Thursday August 19, 10-11:30am PT / 11am-12:30pm MT. This is one of the most common questions we hear from those in rural communities. Join us to talk about what some different communities are offering as ‘digital ministry’ without good connectivity. It’s not as impossible as it sounds! Facilitator: Randy Boyd (Rural Connect)
August’s Session
Where can we find some inspiration for people offering creative hybrid models?
This workshop was held Wednesday AUGUST 18, 10-11:30am PT / 11am-12:30pm MT
Some of us have been worshiping online since the start of the pandemic and others of us are only just beginning. Despite where we find ourselves in our journey towards hybrid, it’s safe to say we could use all the inspiration we can get. Who is doing unique ministry in this time and how is it working? Where can we find online resources to use when the inspiration starts to wane? Join us to talk about the different ways people are keeping the Spirit alive in worship these days. Facilitator: Allison Rennie with Rev. Rev Brazier (Whitehorse UC) and Rev. Trevor Brisbin (Humber Valley UC)
We’re building a system from the ground up — what technology should we be looking at?
This workshop was heldWednesday AUGUST 18, 1:30-3pm PT / 2:30-4pm MT
It’s fun to consider the “blue sky scenarios” — especially if we’ve been given permission and resources to start again! But what this looks like depends on our visions for a hybrid community and how many willing hands we have to help. Join us for a conversation around different ideal technological set-ups, ranging from simple and sufficient, to extra and extraordinary! Facilitators: James Clendenan & Allan Buckingham
July’s Sessions
What is a “Hybrid Model”
This workshop was held Wednesday July 14, 10-11:30am PT / 11am-12:30pm MT
Still wondering about this new phrase ‘hybrid model’ and what it might mean for your community? Curious if your model of worship needs to look the same as everyone else’s? Want some different examples of the possibilities? This is the workshop for you! We won’t be talking about the technical how-tos, but instead about the wild possibilities of what integrated in-person and online ministry could look like for your church. Facilitator: Rev. Andria Irwin, Minister United Online
How can I offer a “hybrid model” with poor/no internet?
JULY SESSION CANCELLED - look for this topic in a future offering of the Tech Tools and Testimony series.
This is one of the most common questions we hear from those in rural communities. Join us to talk about what some different communities are offering as ‘digital ministry’ without good connectivity. It’s not as impossible as it sounds!
Is a “hybrid model” mandatory?
This workshop was held Wednesday July 14, 1:30-3pm PT / 2:30-4pm MT
Are you struggling with the capacity to manage something that feels like twice the amount of work? Are you exasperated with processes of editing/ posting/ creating/ recording? Has your community decided it just isn’t worth it? Join like-minded people to hear a permission slip and to dig deeper into what the future of the church might look like for your community. Facilitators: Allison Rennie & Rev Andria Irwin, Minister United Online
How can I best offer first third programing/ministry as a hybrid model?
This workshop was held Thursday July 15, 10-11:30AM PT / 11am-12:30pm MT
The way that children, youth, and young adults (those in the first one-third of life’s journey) are choosing to engage in this time is different from our other demographics. Being constantly required to be on a screen has been challenging and many of us have noticed a decline in participation. Join us to talk with our regions first third ministers about what’s working, what’s not, and what we can do from here. Facilitators: Pacific Mountain Region First Third Ministry Team
How can we best use/find volunteers to support this new way of ministry?
This workshop was held Thursday July 15 , 1:30-3pm PT / 2:30-4pm MT
We know that many people in our usual volunteer bank have declared themselves uninterested or unable to pick up some of the new roles that might be required in offering a hybrid model. We also know that we a growing online presence, we need to find ways for people to remotely serve and contribute to our communities in ways that are not strictly financial. During this workshop we’ll explore some ways of recruiting/empowering/utilizing the volunteers you currently have, as well as explore some out-of-the-box ideas for encouraging new people (even non-church members!) to offer their help and skills. Facilitator: Rev Andria Irwin, Minister United Online
How can my community partner with others using something like Rural Connect?
This workshop was held Friday July 16 , 10-11:30AM PT / 11am-12:30pm MT
Many communities are looking to be in partnership (not to amalgamate!) with other communities now that the technology makes that possible. This is especially true of communities currently without ministry staff. Join us to explore how this might be feasible for your community, what the commitment/investment might look like, and to hear stories of how it’s working in other places. Facilitators: Rev. Randy Boyd (Rural Connect) and Allison Rennie
What are some specific examples of how we can keep our in-person and online communities in relationship with one another?
This workshop was held Friday July 16, 1:30-3pm PT / 2:30-4pm MT
A hybrid model sounds great, but only if it works. It’s not hybrid if our in-person and online communities remain separate from one another. Join us to talk about some creative ideas for integrating the two communities in our spaces and continuing the meaningful relationships we’ve begun to develop during this time.