Rev Cari invites you to inspired learning with Matt Miofsky - in person!
Read moreBeyond Good Intentions
This is it! The workshop that equips you for walking the talk -- beyond online activism and *wanting* to be welcoming, this is a time to get into the Practices of being an intercultural community. There's still time to register! Join the 30 who have already committed to this day with Rev Dr Michael Jagessar. Chose two other people from your community of faith or ministry to come with you, and ask. Let us know how we can support you in getting to Crossroads United for Beyond Good Intentions this coming Saturday.
From the heart of the Shuswap
Rev. Wade Lifton sent us this from the heart of the Shuswap! Wade will be Holy Shift! Size-mic Upgrade’s worship leader. We asked Wade why he’s coming to Size-mic Upgrade and he said: “My experience of community in small churches has been intimate, messy, and life-giving. Relational trust is more significant than any program. I’m excited to hear at Size-Mic Upgrade about the unique dysfunctions and opportunities others are experiencing.” You can read more about Wade, and the HolyShift leadership team on our website. #holyshift #sizemicupgrade #pacificmountainregionucc #conference #churchleaders #leadershiftpmr #iheartsummercamp #campmackenzie #shuswaplife