Elements of Truth: Before Reconciliation, with kinSHIFT

kinSHIFT helps settlers cultivate relationships with Indigenous peoples and place. LeaderShift staff and United Church regional council staff members have taken the workshop series "Elements of Truth: Before Reconciliation” offered by kinSHIFT. You are welcome to take it too.

LeaderShift supports settler United Church people in the Pacific Mountain and Chinook Winds Regional Councils in accessing Elements of Truth: Before Reconciliation. In partnership with kinSHIFT, we are subsidizing 50% of the workshop fees with this promo code: SHIFT50.

Note: Enter the Promo Code after clicking Tickets, before you select your workshop dates. It’s a tiny blue link at the top of the date selection page. After entering the Promo Code, scroll down to see what workshop dates are available (some are already past).

kinSHIFT Website

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kinSHIFT Facebook

Registering now: Mental Health First Aid Courses, with LeaderShift and First Third Ministry

Dear one,
LeaderShift is partnering with First Third Ministry to offer three Mental Health First Aid training courses - and registration is open now. 

For Young Adults in Leadership with Youth and Peers

Please make a point of sharing this opportunity to Young Adults in your networks.

  • Two-Day Course, Offered Once: Saturday February 5 and Saturday February 12, 2022. 2-6pm Pacific/3-7pm Mountain.

  • Online via Zoom

  • For people 18-35

  • $100 (financial support is available)

For Ministers, Staff, Church Volunteers in Contact with the Public

  • Two-Day Course Offered Twice: Offering 1: Tuesday March 8 and Wednesday March 9, 2022. 9am-1pm Pacific/ 10am-2pm Mountain. Offering 2: Saturday March 12, 2022, 9am-1pm Pacific/ 10am-2pm Mountain, and Sunday March 13, 2022, 1-5pm Pacific/2-6pm Mountain.

  • Online via Zoom

  • $150

Both LeaderShift and Chinook Winds Pacific Mountain First Third Ministry have a deep commitment to providing training for church staff and leaders, so that they can be confident when it comes to managing mental health crisis. It is very excited to also include a Young Adult-specific training!

We believe that Mental Health First Aid is just as important as being able to respond to a physical injury. Upon completion of these courses, you will be certified in the Mental Health First Aid course of the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

Full details on the course offerings and trainer are here on the LeaderShift website. We are thrilled that Dr Julie Clayton of Tipping Point Counselling Services is facilitating these courses. Julie is a certified MHFA teacher, a highly skilled counsellor, and holds a Master of Divinity and years of experience as a congregational pastor.


The LeaderShift Team

Allison Rennie - Director
Jes Beckerley - Temporary Administrative Assistance
Rob Crosby-Shearer - New Communities / Church Planting Project
Tressa Brotsky - Communications

Active Witnessing: Bystander Training

Dear friends in leadership and LeaderShift,

Today we have two important offerings

1. Thursday Reflection
This moving letter "Thursday Reflection" (link here) is written by Rev Amy Haynes of Deer Park United Church. Amy wrote to the community of faith that she serves, and gave permission for us to share with you. As you read it, you will know why it is important to share with our wider church - a church re-committing to dismantling racism and anti-Black racism.

2. Active Witnessing: Bystander Training SAVE THE DATE
With anti-racism educator Angela Ma Brown

  • Thursday July 2 (updated event date to not conflict with PMRC’s Celebration of Ministry Service)

  • Wednesday July 8

Registration will open in the afternoon of Monday June 22. A dedicated newsletter will be sent on Monday with the registration links, full event details and Angela's bio.

The LeaderShift Team

Tressa Brotsky - communications
Rob Crosby-Shearer - LeaderShift Church Plant Project
Allison Rennie - director

Rhian Walker - program staff
Brenda Wolff - administrative assistance