This is your invitation to a 3-day conference, working toward living and being an anti-racist church: Anti-Racism Work & Action Leadership Conference 2024


This is a powerful First Third Ministry event in partnership with us at LeaderSHIFT, the Pacific Mountain Region Council Justice Ministry Network, the Vancouver School of Theology, and you.

Anti-Racism Work & Action
Leadership Conference 2024
April 2-4, 2024

Held at the Epiphany Chapel, on the Vancouver School of Theology UBC campus, empower yourself to engage key learnings, work, and action in a Christian community of other children and family ministry leaders who are working for an anti-racist church.


Work, and action - in Christian community

An amazing line up of speakers, worship leaders, and hosts are already preparing to welcome, educate, and inspire.

Work, and action – in Christian community

Anti-Racism Work & Action Leadership Conference is an offering of Chinook Winds & Pacific Mountain Regional Councils First Third Ministry. First Third Ministry’s mission is to support those who work with those in the first of life’s three eras (children, youth, young adults and families) – yet, this conference is designed to resonate for leaders of any, and, all ages and generations.

For All in Leadership

Whether you’re paid or volunteering, staffing a community of faith or un-churched organization, focused on children & family ministry or serving older generations, this conference centers anti-racism principles and actions in your leadership.

You can expect

  • Varied learning formats and thoughtfully chosen content to engage key learnings, focus work, and empower action in your leadership.

  • A Christ-centered conference fostering connection and relationship with other leaders who are also working for an anti-racist church.

  • Discovery-based questions and reflection opportunities will help you to compassionately and faithfully examine your own ministry and leadership in your specific setting.

  • An introduction to the materials from the new United Church of Canada resource for children and youth, Becoming an Anti-Racist Church.

  • A convergence of your personal and professional call to anti-racism, with others like you – all seeking a new way of being church.​

Event Page:

Amos 5:24. Amen!

WHAT DO 18 pastors, poets, podcasters, educators, musicians, activists, biblical scholars, therapists, healers, and …

… the Moderator of the United Church of Canada (our own Right Rev Dr Carmen Lansdowne), all have in common?

They’re ALL going to be offering their wisdom, passion, poetry and song at the Evolving Faith Conference, on October 13-14, in Minneapolis, MN!

Evolving Faith exists to cultivate love and hope in the wilderness, pointing fellow wanderers and misfits to God as we embody resurrection for the sake of the world.” 

AND, you’re invited to take part!

Whether you’re feeling energized or weary, hopeful or discouraged, this conference is for you. It will be a time to be inspired, nurtured and challenged, and to share all of it with colleagues and friends.

LeaderSHIFT, with Pacific Mountain’s Ministry Personnel Support Team, is excited to host two Group Experiences — one is attending Evolving Faith IN PERSON and one is joining the ONLINE conference live stream, and BOTH with facilitators from LeaderSHIFT and MPST.

If you can come in person -

we have subsidies available for registration, travel and accommodation; join us as part of the Group Travel Experience in Minneapolis - starting Friday, October 13 and heading home on Monday, October 16.

If participating online -

is more your vibe, we have Group Online Experience, and we’ll pay half your registration fee! Take part in the conference online on October 13-14, and then gather via Zoom with Rev. Lori Megley-Best on Monday, October 16th from 9-11 am to debrief, share the ideas, images or phrases that catch our attention, and harvest the fruit from the event.

We know that taking part in events like these is made so much richer and more meaningful, when we have colleagues and friends on the journey.

I hope you’ll join us – there’s still time!

Find all the details here: The Group Experience To Evolving FAITH Conference — LeaderSHIFT UCCan.


LeaderSHIFT Interim Director

Calling you to High River, Alberta


Hello Friends,

Greetings at this midpoint of the summer! I hope you are experiencing some deep Sabbath rest and renewal. 

This is a special invitation, for you who are doing ministry in a rural context.

Like many of us, you and your community of faith may be feeling uncertain about what the future holds for the church in general, and your congregations in particular. And, being the church in rural contexts brings it’s own unique joys, challenges, and rewards.

LeaderShift and Chinook Winds Region are excited to offer our first (annual? maybe!) Rural Ministry Conference with the theme, “Breaking In & Breaking Out!”

Where and how is the Holy Spirit breaking into our lives, like at that first Pentecost? And where and how is that same Spirit calling us to break out (of our buildings, our assumptions, our comfort, our ways of doing things) to be the church in our communities in a new way?

The Rev Jenny Carter will be our keynote speaker, and we’ve got a great lineup of workshop leaders ready and eager to share their learnings, helpful practices, and new skills that will enhance your practice of ministry in a rural context.

We’ll have two opportunities to learn in workshops together, along with keynote presentations, delicious meals, meaningful worship and music, and the warmth of being together. Then, we’ll celebrate together in worship on Sunday morning with High River United Church – including elements of worship that we will be creating over the course of our time together.

 Come and join others engaged in rural ministry, lay leaders and ministry personnel, to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to offer ministry that responds to your context!

Hope to see you in High River!
