A taste of faith and relationship, bringing you close to Spirit, as Spirit comes close to you
Today marks the beginning of Terra Madre, an international initiative of the Slow Food movement, a season of celebration of the earth, the foods, the practices, and the soil of our places on the planet.
As we come to the end of the season of Creation liturgically, I encourage you to continue to give thanks for Terra Madre and all that comes from and returns to her.
In the coming season may our offering from LeaderShift be a taste of faith and relationship that brings you close to Spirit as Spirit comes close to you.
Happy and blessed Thanksgiving
Psalm for Terra Madre
Taste and see that God is good.
Ps 34:8
My small knife slips
the green yellow skin
and the firm white flesh
of the winter pear, the Anjou -
Everything comes back to You -
all lettuce spinach kale potato
all apple pear plum and cherry
every almond walnut onion
each tomato. basil leaf and
garlic clove.
everything of You.
Cool sweet juice drips to the counter - O,
Does your mouth swim in anticipation?.
cilantro. peach.
avocado, mango, wild
Salmon, and the virgin
olive oil
and Salt. and
Water. Everything begins in You.
Would we hurt You less
if we tasted more?
What if you, too,
would slowly taste? And see.
Allison Rennie Oct 8, 2020