More free sessions, this August - from LeaderShift & United Online


Hello Friends!

This is a quick Friday afternoon post to let you know that four August sessions are now ready for your registration -- Tech, Tools and Testimony is a free workshop series aiming to equip you for worship with (and without) online technologies in the 'vaccinated/open-again' era of COVID-19:

  1. "Where can we find some inspiration for people offering creative hybrid models?" Aug 18

  2. "We’re building a system from the ground up — what technology should we be looking at?" also Aug 18

  3. "How Can I Offer a Hybrid Model with Poor / No Internet?" Aug 19

  4. And BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, "We've Decided to Keep Using Zoom. How Can We Do This Most Effectively?" Aug 20

Register here:

Also - every Wednesday morning through the summer join Rev Andria Irwin or guests for relaxed "What's Next?" conversations with colleagues about, well - what's next. Bring any of your pressing questions around a shift to integrated inperson / online ministry. Technical questions, theological questions and questions like "how can I convince people to volunteer?" are all on the table. 10:30am - 12pm PT / 11:30am - 1pm MT each Wednesday through the summer, on Zoom. Click the link above to request the Zoom link to join.

Oh, and - if you're ministry personnel, remember to check this out: Total Clergy Wellbeing


for the LeaderShift Team

A taste of faith and relationship, bringing you close to Spirit, as Spirit comes close to you

Today marks the beginning of Terra Madre, an international initiative of the Slow Food movement, a season of celebration of the earth, the foods, the practices, and the soil of our places on the planet.  

As we come to the end of the season of Creation liturgically, I encourage you to continue to give thanks for Terra Madre and all that comes from and returns to her.  

In the coming season may our offering from LeaderShift be a taste of faith and relationship that brings you close to Spirit as Spirit comes close to you.   

 Happy and blessed Thanksgiving

Psalm for Terra Madre 

Taste and see that God is good. 
Ps 34:8 

Allison's pear.JPG

My small knife slips  
the green yellow skin  
and the firm white flesh  
of the winter pear, the Anjou - 

Everything comes back to You - 
all lettuce spinach kale potato  
all apple pear plum and cherry 
every almond walnut onion 
each tomato. basil leaf and  
garlic clove. 
everything of You. 

Cool sweet juice drips to the counter - O, 
Does your mouth swim in anticipation?. 

cilantro. peach. 
avocado, mango, wild  
Salmon, and the virgin 
olive oil 
and Salt. and  
Water. Everything begins in You. 

Would we hurt You less 

if we tasted more? 

 What if you, too, 


would slowly taste? And see. 


Allison Rennie Oct 8, 2020 

Registration is Open, for a LOT of stuff

Hello, Friends!

Hot dang, there's been a lot of activity since we last wrote! Remember that late-August message about knowing some exciting things were coming your way, but to keep resting just a little bit longer? We hope this finds you well - no denying this 'start up' month is happening and proving anything but normal. Yet we pray for us each to embrace - with thanks - the familiar ways and things and people that we can lean on as we get up and get going: our practices, our settings, our relationships of all kinds, and for sure with the grace and love of God.

This is a short newsletter with details of The Fall Slate from LeaderShift. Below you'll see more than 10 online engagement sessions available to you, all offered within our regional council and rooted deep in our denominational call. 

The Latest image Fall Slate.png

The Time is Now

We know you'll find one or more offerings that speak to you, and trust you'll engage in what you can. What's ready now includes:

  • an excellent, once in a church-lifetime pricing on an internationally renowned worship-arts program 

  • small group nourishment for ministry personnel serving in remote and rural settings

  • practical, hands on learning about the power and presence of white privilege in our lives and systems - and how you can help break the cycles of racism

  • embracing the ask and gaining comfort and joy with givings

  •  a huge online festival with a sacred party-vibe that everyone from a one-church town - youth, families, adults elders- are invited to attend

Coming soon

"21 Things You Didn't Know About the Indian Act" book study and author engagement with Bob Joseph, the returning series "Faith Leaders for Such a Time as This" and a new series "Developing Online Small Group Leadership Skills" with Rev Rhian Walker, will be open for registration in the coming weeks. 

When you go deeper, you'll see that LeaderShift has a new registration page here on our website! No more jumping from platform to platform. We're keen for you to poke around and get yourself registered now for the fall slate of online engagement sessions.
Space is limited.
Check out the course offerings now.

The LeaderShift Team

Tressa Brotsky - communications
Rob Crosby-Shearer - LeaderShift Church Plant Project
Allison Rennie - director

Rhian Walker - program staff
Brenda Wolff - administrative assistance