Your Part In the Healing of the World - ways in

May our prayers of lament  

and prayers for peace 

change us  

more fully into the people and the communities  

God desires us to be. 


Friends may your Lenten practice bring you and your community clarity about your part in the healing of the world. 

Let’s pray together.

Join with other congregational leaders for Finding a Way to Easter a weekly live contemplative worship each Tuesday morning.    

Let’s tell the story.

Register now for The Festival of Telling – a beautiful opportunity to connect with the Story that gives us language for the Good News we are called to share.  

Let’s listen to our differences. 

Consider the Theological Banquet for your congregation as a program to help us live together with the theological difference that could either divide us or enrich us.   

Let’s tend the gift of call. 

And for Ministry Personnel desiring a deep retreat to attune to God’s call please consider Total Clergy Wellbeing.   

With gratitude for our shared ministries, 


LeaderShift Director

Sometimes we don't yet know


Sometimes we don’t yet know

I receive blog posts from a recent training, and though focused on leadership development in the corporate world, this week’s message is so relevant to us in church leadership - specifically this:


“…effective leaders often recognize that they don’t have all the answers and, importantly, admit as much. It’s an attitude that could serve leaders well now. “The most powerful decision a leader can make is to say, ‘I just don’t know,’” says Dan Kaplan, a Korn Ferry senior client partner in the firm’s CHRO practice. 

That humility and the willingness to admit uncertainty haven’t always been visible over the last few months, as many companies set specific dates for return-to-office plans and other projects. “Everyone wants to be definitive, and it makes them look clownish,” Kaplan says.

People look to leaders for four things: trust, compassion, stability, and hope, says Margie Warrell, a Korn Ferry senior client partner in the firm’s Board & CEO Services practice. Her advice: “Communicate clearly, make quick decisions, and articulate the ‘why’ behind those decisions.” At the same time, she says, leaders should be focusing on their companies’ long-term strategies.


Here’s what we do know

LeaderShift embraces four key words from the excerpt above: trust, compassion, stability, and hope. We’re deeply committed to the practices of discernment and evaluation - not just in what we offer, but also in how we make decisions as a team.

Somethings have changed this month, and some things are steady, and some things are emerging - in the midst of many unknowns, we’re rooting down into what sustains and is sustainable. You are warmly invited to join us:


LeaderShift Director

Aligning You, Again, to God's Movement in your Life and Leadership Work

Autumn falls around us,  
   the day gives more dim than light 

          We turn to one another for comfort 

          We draw down to the earth for cover 

          We turn our selves to the light like the leaves on the maple drawing red 
               from the dark and cool nights 

And yet, we know 

     The light of song 

     The light of company 

     The light of silence 

And we proclaim,  

whether we can see it or not, 

This day is full of all the Light that ever was light – 


Dear One, 

As you draw in the energy and clarity needed for leadership in the coming winter and seasons of Advent and Christmas, I want to also draw your attention to offerings to restore you in the new year:


Renewing Leadership is an event that can meet you in your desire to connect again with your core purpose, your vocation, and to again align with God’s movement in your life and work. This is an event for active ministry personnel. Holy Ground: Seeding the Soil of Wild Church is an opportunity for you to experience Wild Church and develop capacity to engage in land-based spiritual experiences where you live. These two retreats are being held in-person at Loon Lake Retreat Centre in Maple Ridge. They are back-to-back – maybe you’d like to come for one and stay for both!  Register now:

We have promoted the opportunity for deepened learning, allyship, and active reconciliation by offering a 50% discount for kinShift’s workshop series Elements of Truth: Before Reconciliation. The feedback on these sessions has been very, very positive. Please use our discount code on the kinShift EventBrite registration page.  

  • 50% off Discount Code: SHIFT50

What’s Next? These weekly conversations continue engaging the themes and topics related to integrating online and in-person experiences in your community of faith. Check out the next few topics and invite key leaders in your community to join in.

In the Works

  • For Church Boards: Developing your Capacity for Discernment and Spiritual Leadership - with highly regarded writer, spiritual director, and congregational consultant Susan Beaumont. This will be an in-depth workshop over several months. Details and registration coming soon.

  • For everyone: Second Annual Festival of Biblical Storytelling! April 22- 24, 2022. Save the Date!

Our Survey

And warm thanks to those of you who have contributed to the Now and Future Reflection survey that we have open - it's about LeaderShift's ministry and presence in your life and leadership. If you haven’t shared your thoughts with us yet, please do here. We value your input.

In gratitude  
