We asked Andria Irwin of HighlandsOnline.ca to share with us her tested tips on offering welcoming, meaningful online experiences so that people can connect with the worship content. These tips from Andria are for communities of faith and ministries who already have either a YouTube, Facebook on Online Streaming presence, to refine your online offerings for your virtual parishioners. (Coming soon is a second resource from online minsitry leader Rev Bob Fillier, on ‘why online streaming worship’ and tips to get started. This second resource will be for church and ministry leaders who are keen to get their ministry online, but haven’t yet done so.)
Read moreHealth & Wellness - community prevention practices around flu and COVID-19
Coming together for learning, work, and worship in community includes tending general health and wellness. LeaderShift brings many people together for workshops, retreats and conferences. We’ve prepared a short prevention practices document for LeaderShift participants. These Reminders & Resources are from the national United Church of Canada website, regarding Flu and COVID-19 prevention practices. You’re invited to share this resource within your community of faith and ministry areas as well.
Read moreHow to Join the Global Climate Strike (Broadview)
There's so much access to information in the world, that sometimes it's good to remember to turn to what's closest to us - our community, our faith - to be grounded and united in a shared vision for God's world.
Smile for the camera, acknowledge youth, pray across the United Church and other great invitations for participating in Climate Strike Week with grace, openness and hope!
Here’s the encouraging piece from Broadview Magazine.
#churchriseup #weekforfuture #earthstrike #uccclimatestrike #uccan