I just wrote a whole long reflection on Advent waiting and longing... and then deleted it... 'cause who has time to read that, on the cusp of Advent??
(TL;DR: Jesus is coming, no matter how prepared we are, or not. No matter how perfect our worship, our advent wreath candle lighting liturgies, or our advent studies. Jesus is coming, which is good news, because we always need Jesus, and now more than ever. So let's embrace the longing, the waiting, the anticipation, trusting in the One for whom we wait. Amen!)
I do want to give you the heads-up on some upcoming events, so read on..
Advent Longing: a Free Advent Small Group Study, for Pacific Mountain and Chinook Winds Regional Councils
As a gift for you in your leadership during this season, LeaderShift has purchased a regional license for The Prayer Bench's Advent Small Group Study. This 3 session study invites us to nurture longing as a powerful spiritual gift through an imaginative pilgrimage in an old-growth forest. It encourages us to notice longing in our ordinary days, recognize its gifts during times of desolation and reclamation, and welcome “thin spaces”—those moments of connection, support, and hope. In the context of a planetary crisis, we explore how to activate Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in the world God loves. To receive the link to the free resource, email me here: MSlater@united-church.ca.
Chinook Winds Region Ministry Personnel Retreat - hosted by LeaderShift and Chinook Winds Regional Council
Escape the winter chill and join your colleagues for a rejuvenating experience that will reconnect you with God, your calling, the earth, and your truest self. Come and be refreshed and empowered, and leave with a personalized plan for your own flourishing and well-being in ministry. Register here:
Chinook Winds Ministry Personnel Retreat 2025 | Event Registration | Chinook Winds & Pacific Mountain Regions UCCan Store
A Weekend Retreat for Boards/Councils & Their Ministry Personnel - April 4-6, 2025, in Kelowna BC
Join Pacific Mountain Regional Ministers for workshops on recruitment, emerging models of congregational governance, best practices, Manual roles and responsibilities and more. Come gain some knowledge and skills, build relationships with other lay leaders, and reconnect to why you care about and give your time, energy and commitment to your community of faith! More information here: Spring Weekend Retreat for Church Boards, Councils and Their Ministry Personnel — LeaderSHIFT UCCan
Blessings in the waiting!