Calling you to High River, Alberta


Hello Friends,

Greetings at this midpoint of the summer! I hope you are experiencing some deep Sabbath rest and renewal. 

This is a special invitation, for you who are doing ministry in a rural context.

Like many of us, you and your community of faith may be feeling uncertain about what the future holds for the church in general, and your congregations in particular. And, being the church in rural contexts brings it’s own unique joys, challenges, and rewards.

LeaderShift and Chinook Winds Region are excited to offer our first (annual? maybe!) Rural Ministry Conference with the theme, “Breaking In & Breaking Out!”

Where and how is the Holy Spirit breaking into our lives, like at that first Pentecost? And where and how is that same Spirit calling us to break out (of our buildings, our assumptions, our comfort, our ways of doing things) to be the church in our communities in a new way?

The Rev Jenny Carter will be our keynote speaker, and we’ve got a great lineup of workshop leaders ready and eager to share their learnings, helpful practices, and new skills that will enhance your practice of ministry in a rural context.

We’ll have two opportunities to learn in workshops together, along with keynote presentations, delicious meals, meaningful worship and music, and the warmth of being together. Then, we’ll celebrate together in worship on Sunday morning with High River United Church – including elements of worship that we will be creating over the course of our time together.

 Come and join others engaged in rural ministry, lay leaders and ministry personnel, to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to offer ministry that responds to your context!

Hope to see you in High River!



Three Excellent Events for You to Bookmark



Sweet summer days are ahead, and I hope they’re filled with rest, restoration and deep joy for your body, mind and spirit.

But before you activate your ‘auto-reply’ and close up your computer, please do have a quick look at what LeaderSHIFT is offering this fall, and save the dates on your calendar!

What’s coming up…



Rural Ministry Conference
September 28-October 1, 2023
High River AB
Experience rural hospitality, inspiring theme sessions and relevant, practical workshops for today’s rural ministry contexts.Registration Opens June 30, 2023.

Evolving Faith Conference
October 13-15, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

A group experience for ministry personnel to be encouraged, inspired and renewed. Registration fee subsidy, and a travel subsidy are included!

Featuring Sarah Bessey, Wil Gafney, Mihee Kim-Kort, Barbara Brown Taylor, Randy Woodley, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and our own Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne (and more!).

More conference info here: Evolving Faith: Evolving Faith 2023.

Please email me, Michelle, at if you are interested in taking part.

Leading Through Conflict
October 27-28, 2023 
Calgary AB

A workshop for ministry personnel and lay leaders, to gain practices and learn traits to navigate conflict faithfully and successfully, with Susan Nienaber. Registration Opens June 30, 2023.