Matt Miofsky - coming to Vancouver and Calgary!

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Matt Miofsky, the author of Let Go: Leaning into the Future without Fear, will be the keynote speaker at this March 2020 Leadership Event in Vancouver AND Calgary for ministry personnel and lay people.

LeaderShift, in conjunction with Chinook Winds Region’s Ministry Support Working Group, are pleased to present this inspiring event. Matt Miofsky is Lead Pastor of The Gathering United Methodist Church in Saint Louis, Missouri. He also co-authored 8 Virtues of Rapidly Growing Churches with Jason Byassee.

If you are a member or leader in the United Church of Canada, you can imagine leaving familiar structures, expectations, and habits as we face massive change in our church, and social and political orders. You can imagine roaming through the unknown, trying on different approaches and searching for ideas to orient yourself – where are we? Who are we? God is calling us to unfamiliar even unknown territory. This is the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Although the lives we lead may not be of biblical proportion, sometimes we, too, find ourselves on the edge of the unknown, anxious and fearful to move forward. In dialogue with Matt Miofsky, join and with our companions and colleagues to connect with the sacred text of the Exodus, to lead us beyond fear and through our very own “wilderness” to a promising future.

Vancouver features a full day presentation with Matt, including a catered lunch and refreshments.

Calgary offers a 2 night conference featuring Keynote: Matt Miofsky, Music resource: Linnea Good & David Jonsson, Worship lead: Susan Lukey

More details and online registration here on the LeaderShift website: upcoming/matt-miofsky-in-person

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