Susan Beaumont - How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going

Dear Ones,

We are very pleased to announce that registration is open for this STELLAR opportunity with Susan Beamount. Space is limited to 50 participants, jump to it! How to Lead When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going


  • Friday Mornings March 5, 12, 19, 26 2021

  • 10:30am-12:30pm PT/ 11:30am-1:30pm MT

  • LIVE Sessions with Susan Beamount, online

  • $100 inclusive

How do you lead an organization stuck between an ending and a new beginning—when the old way of doing things no longer works but a way forward is not yet clear? Such in-between times are called liminal seasons—threshold times when the continuity of tradition disintegrates and uncertainty about the future fuels doubt and chaos. In a liminal season it simply is not helpful to pretend we understand what needs to happen next. But leaders can still lead. Liminal seasons call for a different kind of leadership presence, one that connects the soul of leaders with the soul of the institution.

How are the sessions designed?

Each Friday before engaging with Susan Beaumont for a one-hour LIVE video conference, we’ll watch a pre-recorded webinar presented by Susan, and complete an assigned exercise/reflection. Some of these assignments will be individual reflections. Others will encourage you to facilitate a group dialogue among leaders in your local setting. The live session times with Susan include guided prayer/meditation, small group breakouts and large group Q & A.

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About Susan Beaumont

Susan has worked with hundreds of congregations and denominational bodies across the United States and in Canada.  She is known for her ground-breaking work in the leadership dynamics of large congregations. 

Before establishing her own practice, Susan worked for nine years as a Senior Consultant with the Alban Institute. Susan has also served on the faculty of two business schools, teaching graduate level courses in leadership, management and organizational behavior.