Now and Future Reflection: Our LeaderShift Survey

The sumac and the burning bush 

 are burning now,  

together with our lungs crisp from frost and freeze, 

and the Aurora of the midnight sky! doesn’t it also burn! 

and you - 

what part of you flares now before surrender 

to harvest and to winter and 

to hope 

poem and image copyright Allison Rennie

Dear Friends,

Along with the following invitations to join in learning, in retreat, in mutual exploration over the coming few months, LeaderShift is in a period of harvest and reflection. We are harvesting the learning, the stories, and the questions that arise now in the 20th month of pandemic shaped ministry and leadership.  

Please take some time to review the programs and conversations listed here and respond to our questionnaire. Your responses contribute to our capacity to stay aligned with emerging leadership needs, questions, gaps, and yearning. 

Thank you for presence in all the places you are called these Spirit-filled darkening days.   




Deepening Pastoral Practice Amidst Continuing Pandemic Realities

Good Good day all, 

Whatever the content of your day, your work, your laundry pile, your to do list, your inbox 

Whatever the shape of your hope in this moment 

Whatever the outline of your soul in these days 


All the Light that ever was Light is with you now.  

And was with us then, and then,  

whether we knew it or not.   


In the coming months LeaderShift will be confirming and promoting opportunities for you to be renewed.   

Please watch for dates in late April for “Renewing Leadership” a multi session opportunity for connecting with call, character, gifts, and God’s imprint on your own good soul.  

Please watch for dates in the later fall for “Total Clergy Wellbeing” a multi day retreat, yes, in person. We deeply hope.  

And register now for “Deepening Pastoral Practice amidst ongoing Pandemic Realities” COHORT 1 (starting Feb 3) or COHORT 2 (starting April 14) in addition to the other learning opportunities of LeaderShift and the Pacific Mountain Region.  

The LeaderShift Team