Some Good News! Deep Dive's Registration Fee is Waived ~ Attend for Free!


We want to empower as many clergy to come together before the AGM, and we know every little counts -- so we're waiving Deep Dive's $50 registration fee.

Yes! — Deep Dive is now totally free of charge, with catered on-site dinner and lunch still provided for all who are able to attend.

Click Here to Register Now!

Individual registration is needed so that we can prepare to welcome *you* and any dietary needs you may have.

Rev. Michelle Slater is around for calls or emails should you require more info before confidently jumping into Deep Dive (and the gathering's schedule can be seen in the FB event details, on LeaderSHIFT's website, and just below too).

Hoping this is good news for you, and that we'll get to welcome you on May 29!

The LeaderSHIFT Team


Deep Dive - A Time for Ministry Personnel

A LeaderSHIFT offering with United Church of Canada Growth Animator, Rev. Scott Reynolds, and LeaderSHIFT’s Rev. Michelle Slater.

A Time of Community, Discernment, and Celebration

How did you embrace ministry during the pandemic, and what did you learn? What do we want to lament, and what do we want to ask God’s blessings on? How can we support one another in the challenging work of ministry leadership today? All PMRC-United Church ministers are encouraged to arrive to Vancouver BC to the AGM one day early -- to join this Deep Dive gathering! This is dedicated time for you, as ministers, to connect and tend our call to ministry and leadership, here and now, in this time and place, with all that is before you and the church.

Deep Dive Schedule

Wednesday May 29, 2024

1-5pm Community-Building, Context, The Practice of Lament
5pm Dinner (onsite, catered)
6:30pm The Practice of Storytelling
8:30pm Close

Thursday May 20, 2024

9:30am The Practice of Blessing
12pm Close with Lunch (onsite, catered)
1pm AGM Welcome &/Check-In Table Opens
4pm AGM Begins

Contact Rev. Michelle Slater with questions:

Register Online:

Knowing Jesus In A New Way

Dear Friends,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia, alleluia!
One of the wonderful things about Easter is that it is not over – it has just begun.
While the rest of the world may mark Easter Sunday with bunnies and chocolate and then move on, the church knows that the mystery of Easter is far too big and deep, beautiful and important, to be explored or celebrated in just one day. The mystery of the rising is so great, that it takes not one Sunday, not one week, but seven, to truly enter the mystery. Well, perhaps it can take our whole lives to really comprehend the mystery of the resurrection, but the circle of the church year gives us seven weeks in which to hear all the ways the disciples encountered the risen Christ, and to look together for signs of unexpected and paradoxical new life.
During this season, the Risen One is made known to them in absence (in an empty tomb)…in the breaking of the bread (on the road to Emmaus)…in doubt (with the disciple Thomas)…and in waiting (for the day of Pentecost).

I am always struck by the way Jesus reveals himself to his friends. He does not come in a show of glory and power, blasting open locked doors, like a superhero. He does not perform wonders and miracles, like a magician. Rather, he comes in silence, hardly recognizable at times, a physically scarred human being.  
It takes the disciples a long time to recognize and accept the mystery of Easter, and I find this tremendously comforting. This broken, beautiful world is suffering right now, and just like the disciples, I am often full of doubt, and fear, and confusion, and longing.
It helps, I think, to remember that the word “faith” in scripture, doesn’t mean a cognitive acceptance of intellectual truths. It means something more like trust, loyalty, giving your heart. Rather than talking about “having faith”, we should perhaps talk about “faithing” – the choosing to give our heart to the Risen One and the kin-dom he proclaimed and embodied. To trust that the rising is occurring, “unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see” (in the words of Natalie Sleeth). And then, to commit our lives, our words, and our actions, to be witnesses of these things.
May we be given the grace to trust in God’s power for resurrection, and to keep our eyes open to see it, ears attuned to hear it, and bodies prepared to enact it, even and especially when it is hard to glimpse.

During the season of Easter, and beyond, you’re invited…

to the Theological Banquet!,
to take a Deep Dive!,
to Live Generously!,
to enter into Pilgrimage!

Easter Blessings,
