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Supporting the Saints

Friday, November 1, 2024 

Greetings on this All Saints Day, as we remember with gratitude, the saints of the past, our ancestors in the faith.

It is almost like a “family reunion” of the church, when we call to mind, and somehow mysteriously to our very presence, all those who have gone before us, who have shown us through their living and sometimes, in their dying, how God was present in them and in the world. 

Today, I am remembering and giving thanks for many who mentored me, inspired me, cared for me, and led me, in the United Church and beyond. I marvel at the ways God's Spirit is able to work in and through us, ordinary and imperfect human beings, to bring God close to us, and us close to God.

I am also remembering with gratitude the ways you, a leader in your community of faith, allow God's light to shine through you!

LeaderShift has been busy dreaming up some ways to support all the saints, in our call to leadership in our congregations, communities and the world. Check them out, and be in touch for more information!

1. Living Generously: A Stewardship Webinar - Session Four: Advent of Generosity, Tuesday, November 12, 1pm PT/2pm MT. Free, online only via Zoom.

This 60-minute session for church leaders--both clergy and lay--will talk about different ways that we can bring conversations of stewardship into Advent, Christmas Eve, and beyond. Through hospitality, welcome and invitation, let’s help make this Advent the beginning of a church year full of deeper generosity.

For more information, and to register: Session 4 ~ Advent of Generosity: Inviting giving and participation during Advent | Event Registration | Chinook Winds & Pacific Mountain Regions UCCan Store

2. Daylong Retreat for Boards/Councils and their Ministry Personnel, Saturday, November 16th, 9 am to 5 pm, at the PMRC Regional Office in Burnaby. Free, lunch included, registration required, in person only.

Join Pacific Mountain Regional Ministers for workshops on recruitment, emerging models of congregational governance, best practices, Manual roles and responsibilities and more. Come gain some knowledge and skills, build relationships with other lay leaders, and reconnect to why you care about and give your time, energy and commitment to your community of faith!

More info and registration here: A Day-Long Retreat for Boards, Councils and their Ministry Personnel — LeaderSHIFT UCCan

3. Chinook Winds Region Ministry Personnel Retreat, February 9-12, 2025, at Sanctum Retreat Centre near Caroline, AB. In person only. 

Escape the winter chill and join your colleagues for a rejuvenating experience that will reconnect you with God, your calling, the earth, and your truest self. Come and be refreshed and empowered, and leave with a personalized plan for your own flourishing and well-being in ministry.

More information and registration, here: Chinook Winds Ministry Personnel Retreat — LeaderSHIFT UCCan

4. Weekend Retreat for Boards/Councils and their Ministry Personnel, April 4-6, 2025 in Kelowna, BC. Free, registration required. 

Join Pacific Mountain Regional Ministers for workshops on recruitment, emerging models of congregational governance, best practices, Manual roles and responsibilities and more. Come gain some knowledge and skills, build relationships with other lay leaders, and reconnect to why you care about and give your time, energy and commitment to your community of faith!

For more information and to register: Spring Weekend Retreat for Church Boards, Councils and Their Ministry Personnel — LeaderSHIFT UCCan

May today be a day of rich remembering and gratitude for you, as you celebrate all the saints who have blessed you!
