all Ye Attending Leading Through Conflict this Weekend … Important Intel To Know

Hello dear all who are coming to keep learning about Leading Through Conflict, this coming weekend!

Here are some important details about our time together.

  1. This event is held from the Mountain Time Zone for Online and In-Person Attendees alike.

  2. Our times together are Friday, October 27 from 7-9pm Mountain (6–9pm Pacific), and Saturday, October 28th from 9am to 5pm Mountain (8am to 4pm Pacific).

  3. The full agenda is on our event page (click).

  4. For those onsite in Calgary, snacks throughout and lunch on Saturday will be provided. For those Zooming in from your home or office, we invite you to prepare your favourite snacks and meals before the workshop begins.


Attending In-Person?

  1. The Check In table opens at 6:15pm Friday, October 27. The workshop sessions will take place in the Sanctuary, and lunch will be served in the Lower Hall.

  2. If you are an in-person participant who comes to feel at all unwell, please take advantage of the Zoom option. The latest variant of COVID-19 is circulating well, as well as the seasonal flu – so if you are not 100% well, please do not attend in person, and please do join the online offering!

Attending or JOining Online?

  1. Please take note of the relationship between your own time zone and Mountain Time Zone. The workshop is observing Mountain time.

  2. The Zoom link for all workshops sessions is the same (there is just one link). It was sent to all participants (In-Person and Online) in today’s Orientation Email from LeaderSHIFT. If you haven’t received the email, check your Junk or Other folder first, then get in touch with us to get a fresh email sent along.

  3. I am pleased to be your online host, to deliver your questions and comments as they arise during the workshop. I will open the Zoom meeting open at 6:30pm Mountain Time.   

Again, Please take note of the relationship between your own time zone and Mountain Time Zone. The workshop is observing Mountain time.

Please be in touch by email or phone (my cell phone number is also in today’s Orientation Email) with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!





Rev. Michelle Slater
Regional Minister: LeaderSHIFT

Three Excellent Events for You to Bookmark



Sweet summer days are ahead, and I hope they’re filled with rest, restoration and deep joy for your body, mind and spirit.

But before you activate your ‘auto-reply’ and close up your computer, please do have a quick look at what LeaderSHIFT is offering this fall, and save the dates on your calendar!

What’s coming up…



Rural Ministry Conference
September 28-October 1, 2023
High River AB
Experience rural hospitality, inspiring theme sessions and relevant, practical workshops for today’s rural ministry contexts.Registration Opens June 30, 2023.

Evolving Faith Conference
October 13-15, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

A group experience for ministry personnel to be encouraged, inspired and renewed. Registration fee subsidy, and a travel subsidy are included!

Featuring Sarah Bessey, Wil Gafney, Mihee Kim-Kort, Barbara Brown Taylor, Randy Woodley, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and our own Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne (and more!).

More conference info here: Evolving Faith: Evolving Faith 2023.

Please email me, Michelle, at if you are interested in taking part.

Leading Through Conflict
October 27-28, 2023 
Calgary AB

A workshop for ministry personnel and lay leaders, to gain practices and learn traits to navigate conflict faithfully and successfully, with Susan Nienaber. Registration Opens June 30, 2023.