Everything is full and overflowing, isn’t it?
Inbox and schedule; Heart and milkweed pod
While other things are emptying, aren’t they?
Osprey nest and ego; Lungs and sky
Now we surrender to the filling and emptying, don’t we?
So, I wrote this wee note on a tender September Wednesday to say: here’s what may fill you in this living moment of Spirit led leadership ---
Understanding Each Other–an introductionto the General Council Indigenous Ministries & Justice Unit, and The Indigenous Church, with Rev. Murray Pruden.
Elements of Truth-experiential workshopsfrom kinSHIFT guided by Indigenous values: reciprocity, inclusion, curiosity, and humility. To help you access these offerings, LeaderSHIFT will pay for half of your registration fee. Use the codeSHIFT50to receive the 50% off price adjustment. Note the code is ALL CAPS.
Yes! No! Maybe?! Discerning a Call To Ministry-a retreat, is being planned in partnership with our national Office of Vocation colleagues. Dates are to be announced.
Bold Witness, Relentless Grace -the 3-day conferencein Calgary AB that's building momentum and has confirmedSatellite Conferencesin the Okanagan, Southern Vancouver Island, and Lower Mainland (and more to be announced)!
and, with still some room -- and time to join
Re-Imagining Your Role in Faith Formation - a 4-session, online course for clergy.
Total Clergy Wellbeing - a 5-day, in person retreat for ministry personnel, in Naramata BC.